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Ellie Armstrong
Lego Analysis
An evaluative and experiential research project for the traditional design and development process with a focus on designing for people.
The report desires to find how users perceive the brand LEGO and how their product can inspire a desired emotion.
Group Project
Group Dynamic: Team of 5 // interdisciplinary with industrial, interior, and visual communication designers
My additional contribution: Presentation deck
*Participant/useful media design by Meg Kimball
*Persona overview design by Mackie Herrlinger
Focus: Design Research // Experiential & Evaluative
Tools: Miro, InDesign
Duration: Fall 2020 // 2 months
Understand current LEGO experience of brand through coding various forms of information from potential customers.
Create personas, models, and methodology to discover insights into how the LEGO brand is perceived.
Full Report
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